For you, and only for you.

This is my last piece of writing for this year.

This year, that has been a hard & painful year in my personal life.

And also the most successful year of my career.

The strangest of contradictions for me, but perhaps not uncommon.

For those of you who have also dealt with hard and painful things this year, and found a way to keep going, I see you.

I hope that like me, you are staying hopeful, working on whatever your version of hard and painful is with support.

For you, and only for you.

Not to be a better therapist, but just for you.

So you can be healthier, happier and thrive instead of survive. 

Thank you to everyone who has read my pieces, listened to my videos.

Thank you for your beautiful feedback and messages. Thank you for letting me know how I have helped or inspired you. Or made you laugh.

Most of all, thank you to my supervision and mentoring clients, for choosing to working with me and, in doing so, making this dream of mine become a reality. I love every minute of our sessions.

Your feedback and support has brightened this hardest of years. More than you know.

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