If you choose an intervention it all comes down to why.
Why does this intervention fit for this client and this problem?
How does it sit in the formulation?
If you want to blend models you need to know what model your formulation of the client is built on. It can’t be both.
One must serve as the primary and then the other is cherry picked for useful concepts / interventions that can enhance the primary model.
Interventions can be cherry picked if it fits with the formulation.
Not just because we like them or the client likes them.
When we don’t know the formulation or we don’t base the formulation on a primary model and we blend models we create a recipe for quicksand.
Quicksand that we can barely find our way out of, let alone find solid ground to guide a client through.
To avoid getting into quicksand, learn a model solidly. Avoid blending until you are clear on each model: it’s strengths, it’s weaknesses and it’s fundamental unbreakable rules.
That is how we stay on solid ground. That is how we keep our footing as a therapists.
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