therapist issues

Supervision: the good, the bad and the ugly.

What is good supervision? This was a question asked following my last post on the reasons therapists avoid supervision. And it’s a good question. Because not all supervision provided is good supervision. Some supervision is an excellent growth experience but some can be harmful, permanently scarring even. Good clinical supervision is important for all therapists […]

Supervision: the good, the bad and the ugly. Read More »

Know what pulls you to bend the rules: Avoiding the conflict of interest trap

I often see the question “is it ok to see my client’s husband, friend, brother… insert known person to current or former client here….” My answer is always no. And it’s not just because the code of ethics for psychologists clearly states that it is a conflict of interest and that where possible we should

Know what pulls you to bend the rules: Avoiding the conflict of interest trap Read More »

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