Authentic Therapist

Could this uncover the secret to your success?

What is my number one secret of success as a therapist? I discovered it through feedback from one of my best referrers. He would tell his patients, “Nadene is great because she is genuinely interested.” I remember thinking “But aren’t all therapists genuinely interested?” And the truth is, I think many are. They are just not as good

Could this uncover the secret to your success? Read More »

Experience alone won’t make you an authentic therapist. Here’s why.

I received the following question via my group entry question to my group Authentic Confidence for Therapists. Hi Nadene, how does experience impact authenticity as a therapist – does it evolve over time? I’d be interested to know. I love this question so much because it allows me to talk about why I started my

Experience alone won’t make you an authentic therapist. Here’s why. Read More »

Ain’t nobody perfect, including therapists

One of the most helpful things I encountered in one of those therapist tales type books I read (it may have been the mummy at the dining room table) was this. The therapist shared their disappointment that the non-judgmental acceptance and empathy they could feel for their clients was much harder to apply in their

Ain’t nobody perfect, including therapists Read More »

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